Manifesting Resolutions into Reality
Manifesting Resolutions into Reality
By: Ayla Manning Dehghanpoor
You’ve had 12 months of ups, downs, and all of the twists and turns in between. It’s finally time to take advantage of mother nature’s do-over as 2021 inches closer. All hail resolution season. Do a little witchy leg work today, welcome a year’s worth of good vibes later. Let’s get ready to manifest success.
The phrase of the day, when it come to manifesting your resolutions into reality, is au revoir. Say goodbye to 2020 – and all of the bad vibes that came your way – and don’t look back. You can’t expect to rise to new heights next year if you’re still stewing over the coworker who crossed you last August. You already know that the energy in your life is a constant flow that needs to be intentionally cared for (shout out to the OG, Smokeless Smudge, for making that job easier on the daily). In the same breath, there’s no room for fresh, new vibes, when the old, busted ones are still invited to the party.
While you’re working on ditching old grudges, go ahead and give yourself a resolution reset. Ask yourself why you’re setting those goals. If the answer doesn’t boil down to creating a life that you love, is it really something you want to commit to? Once you’ve made space by ditching 2020 like a bad Tinder date, you’ll be ready to release your resolutions to the universe.
But just like the Starbucks drive-thru barista who always gets our order wrong when the speaker is on the fritz, the universe can’t deliver on your requests if they’re unclear. Figure out what you want, and ask for it. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to accept the cues that the universe throws your way. You need more than money: you need to feel validated in your career. You need more than love: you need a partner to experience the joy of life with. Are you picking up what we’re throwing down?
Adding a manifestation ritual to your daily routine is the perfect way to prep for success in 2021. Lighting a Purification Candle now, and setting your intention to leave behind last year’s stale energy during your daily meditation, will have you rearing and ready to manifest some boss witch vibes for the new year.
When the new year finally graces us with her presence, keep your goals in focus. Manifestation is partnership between you and the universe. If you don’t hold on tight, you’ll lose sight of the direction she’s pointing you in. And then, well, you’ll be right back where you started. While we generally approve of sweatpants and wine, we really want your mojo to be a little more magical next year. Imagine it: sweatpants, wine AND goal mastery.
Without the weight of 2020 slowing you down, you’ll be running this shit in no time. Are you ready to make magic happen in 2021?