Merc Retro Rx Candle

All gain, no pain with Mercury Retrograde By: Ayla Dehghanpoor
Mercury Retrograde is pretty much universally hated – we get it. When the ruling planet of communication, technology, and travel kicks up dust in the universe, it leaves us all coughing in its wake. For three weeks, three times a year, we’re blaming everything from our phone freezing up to the barista getting our order wrong (again!) on Merc. If you’ve had it with Mercury Retrograde bringing down your vibe, have I got some amazing news for you: you can flip that energy…or at least make it a little more bearable.
Mercury Retrograde is known for generally just throwing things out of whack. Communication breaks down and nothing seems to be going your way. You find yourself sobbing while singing the Friends theme song. No judgment. When Mercury is Retrograde, it’s completing its rotation around the sun, and is essentially taking a three-week long nap. While Merc is getting her beauty sleep, everything she rules over is suddenly unbalanced. So rude, but so necessary to keep things in line for the other 302 days of the year.
The cool thing about Mercury Retrograde is that it’s actually just a period of intense change. That can mean unchecked chaos, but it can also mean you get the chance to redesign your life. Changing the way that you look at Mercury Retrograde is the first step in taking control. Does it mean Merc won’t still occasionally throw some shade your way? Sorry, but no – it won’t reduce you to a mess of tears and frustration anymore, though.
Instead of losing your cool and getting stuck in an energetic rut, take those three weeks to change the way you approach each decision you’re facing. Nothing is too small to meditate over – slow down and take a long, hard look at contracts, travel plans, business decisions, or anything else you’ve been feeling a little off about. The three R’s are gonna rule your life during Mercury Retrograde: rethink, revisit, redesign.
For good measure, add a little ritual into your life. Light up the Merc Retro RX Candle three days before the official start of Mercury Retrograde to soften the blow of Merc’s usual effects. Created with intention to bring clarity, it focuses your energy on solving the issues that might turn into big problems under Mercury’s shadow otherwise.
Work it into your morning meditation as you ask the universe to give you a break while Mercury Retrograde does its thing, and take a few thoughtful, focused moments to thank Mercury for the lessons its energy provides, and the balance that it brings to your life. Consciously choose to make Mercury Retrograde an opportunity for growth and rebirth. Breathe. You can see the light at the end of the path.
Mercury Retrograde hits next on November 17th and is the proverbial bull in your china shop until December 6th. Get ready to get your ritual on, and change the way you experience Mercury Retrograde.